π₯ Edureka UNIX Online Training (Use Code “πππππππππ”): https://www.edureka.co/search
This UNIX Tutorial video will help you get started with Unix Administration. It will also give you an introduction to the basic UNIX commands so that you can start using the CLI. Do watch the video till the very end to see all the demonstrations.
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#edureka #UnixEdureka #UnixTutorial #UnixOnlineTraining #unixCommands
How it Works?
1. This is a 7 Week Instructor led Online Course, 25 hours of assignment and 10 hours of project work
2. We have a 24×7 One-on-One LIVE Technical Support to help you with any problems you might face or any clarifications you may require during the course.
3. At the end of the training you will have to undergo a 2-hour LIVE Practical Exam based on which we will provide you a Grade and a Verifiable Certificate!
About the Course:
Edureka’s Unix Administration course covers all the concepts on administration methods in Unix. Starting from Unix installation to security administration, networking concepts, file system management, system services, Kernel services, Unix configuration.
Who should go for this course?
This course can be taken by any professional who wants to be a Unix Administrator or wants to learn Unix.
Why learn Unix Administration?
Unix is everywhere. In your daily life, you are communicating with Unix servers, major internet sites such as Facebook and Google are using Unix servers. In addition, most modern televisions and Android mobiles run on Unix. At the root of it, Unix is free software used to control desktop, laptop, supercomputers, mobile devices, networking equipment, airplanes and automobiles and so on. With Unix knowledge and an inexpensive computer you can create tiny gadgets at home, making it a widely acclaimed weapon in your skills’ armour.
For more information, Please write back to us at sales@edureka.co or call us at IND: 9606058406 / US: 18338555775 (toll free).