A quick how-to on how to use the Linux script(1) command to record your shell sessions. Whether it’s for documentation, for capturing a hard-to-replicate issue, or to prove that you’ve done something according a certain way, knowing the basics of the script(1) command can be extremely useful.
0:27 Common Uses
0:40 The simplest way to use the Linux script command
1:39 Inspecting script’s shell log
2:06 Changing the default shell log filename
2:42 Real-time Recordings – SUPER USEFUL
3:30 Inspecting a real-time recording log
3:50 Replay a real-time script shell recording (one that was recorded with timing info)
4:45 Inspecting the Timing Log (script(1) timestamp file)
5:21 Recording shell output from a single command (useful in bash scripts, etc.)
6:46 Review of commands for recording and replaying Linux shell sessions
7:44 Important Note
# Simplest Way to Log Shell Sessions
script simplescript.log
# A single command
script -c ‘netstat -tupln’ netstat.log
# Add timing information, so you can replay the shell session later
script myscript.log –timing=time.log
# Replay a captured shell session (with timing info)
scriptreplay -s myscript.log –timing=time.log
scriptreplay -s myscript.log -t time.log
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