I’ve always wanted to be able to set up a full consul, nomad, vault, etc. environment (along with hosted applications) with a single “terraform apply.” I’ve spent a few weekends on this now and wanted to give a small tour, although it’s still a work in progress.
Here’s the GitHub repository, although the code may have changed dramatically by the time you see this video: https://github.com/groovemonkey/tutorialinux-hashistack
0:00 Introduction
1:25 terraform apply
1:59 VPC and network config
2:22 High-level architecture (so far)
4:03 Consul terraform module
4:44 instance count vs EC2 Auto-Scaling Groups (ASGs)
5:31 Consul instance configuration scripts
5:40 EC2 user-data scripts explanation
6:19 Simplifying a large (or duplicated) user-data script template
6:50 template-building with re-usable snippets
8:25 Consul EC2 security group
9:07 Consul cluster auto-join via EC2 tags
11:07 Plans for this project
11:30 SSH Local port forwarding demo
12:10 Consul and Nomad UI Demo
Step-by-step project-based Linux course for beginners: https://www.udemy.com/course/hands-on-linux-self-hosted-wordpress-for-linux-beginners/?referralCode=19C0A7DEE2FD53C9C09D
Free Linux Sysadmin Course Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtK75qxsQaMLZSo7KL-PmiRarU7hrpnwK
DigitalOcean referral link: https://m.do.co/c/0380a1db56a6
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tutorialinux
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Podcast: http://kernelpanicpodcast.com