A video covering basic resources (technical and community) that you can use to get the skills and mindset you need to be a sysadmin. This is *not* designed to be an exhaustive list. Add your recommendations in the comments!
System Administration:
1. The Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook
2. The Practice of System and Network Administration (when you’re actually in the middle of your career)
3. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers (Web Servers, File Servers, High Availability, Custering, Monitoring, Virtualization, other stuff you find interesting)
4. digital ocean’s tutorials
5. serverfault.com
5. reddit.com/r/{linux,sysadmin}
1. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Programming, Lisp)
2. The Little Schemer (functional programming, recursion, Lisp)
3. stackoverflow.com
4. news.ycombinator.com
1. soylentnews.com
2. lobste.rs
3. Deus Ex (1999) — highly valuable technical knowlege!
Full Linux Sysadmin Basics Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtK75qxsQaMLZSo7KL-PmiRarU7hrpnwK
Check out my project-based Linux System Administration course (free sample videos): https://www.udemy.com/hands-on-linux-self-hosted-wordpress-for-linux-beginners/?couponCode=tl35
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