Just installed Sublime Text 3 and now you’re wondering what all the hype is about? Start here.
This video covers Sublime Text’s ‘killer features’ – the practical tricks and commands that will make you faster, better, more powerful, and more efficient than you’ve ever been in another editor.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a web developer, system administrator, devops engineer, or anyone else that works with plain text. When you’ve learned all the Sublime Text 3 tricks in this video, you’ll be ready to get the most out of this awesome text editor.
1:03 Working with Projects
2:28 Managing Folders
2:52 Multiple Cursors
3:55 Multiple Select
4:35 Multi-Cursor Copy/Paste
6:28 GoTo Anything
9:26 The Sublime Text Command Palette
10:19 Find/Replace Across all Project Files
12:29 Installing Packages
14:14 Installing Themes
15:01 Amazing Plugin: Emmet — Create HTML Markup with CSS Selectors
16:20 Settings: Configuring the Sublime Text Editor
17:08 Final Advice
17:53 Outtakes
# More Videos
My step-by-step project-based Linux course for beginners: https://www.udemy.com/course/hands-on-linux-self-hosted-wordpress-for-linux-beginners/?referralCode=19C0A7DEE2FD53C9C09D
Free Linux Sysadmin Course Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtK75qxsQaMLZSo7KL-PmiRarU7hrpnwK
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Here’s a link to the project that you see me using in this video (An Ansible 2 course that I created for Packt Publishing): https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/ansible-2-beginners-video