A gentle introduction to moving around in the Linux CLI (Bash/Shell). These keyboard shortcuts will boost your speed, save you time, and allow you to quickly edit commands and move around.
2:22 Terminate a running command that’s attached to your shell session (ctrl-c)
2:31 Exit shell session (ctrl-d)
3:25 Tab Completion
4:51 Clearing your terminal (ctrl-L)
5:10 Cursor Movement
5:44 Move to beginning or end of line (ctrl-a, ctrl-e)
6:10 Move forward or back one word (alt-f, alt-b)
7:10 Searching through shell history (ctrl-r)
How to use vi shortcuts in Bash, instead of the default (emacs): set -o vim
My step-by-step project-based Linux course for beginners: https://www.udemy.com/course/hands-on-linux-self-hosted-wordpress-for-linux-beginners/?referralCode=19C0A7DEE2FD53C9C09D
Free Linux Sysadmin Course Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtK75qxsQaMLZSo7KL-PmiRarU7hrpnwK
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